
Dear Ohio State Community Member:

You are receiving this notice because a crime has occurred that is considered to be of a concern and/or a continuing threat to the campus community.

The purpose of this message is to heighten your safety awareness by providing community members with information necessary to take appropriate precautions, enable you to take actions to help increase your safety, and to aid in the prevention of similar crimes.

Public Safety Notice For:
Residence Halls
Friday, March 9, 2018
Alert Code:
The following crime occurred in:
On Campus

The Ohio State University Police Division has identified a crime trend in a residence hall defined as burglary by Clery Act guidelines. OSUPD is actively investigating multiple thefts of computers, electronic gaming systems, televisions and other valuables from unlocked, unattended rooms in the Morrill Tower residence hall.

As many as six reported thefts are believed to be related. They all occurred in Morrill Tower between Monday, February 26, and Wednesday, March 7. Times vary but most commonly these incidents took place between the hours of 7 p.m. and 1 a.m. Suspect information is limited.

OSUPD continues to investigate and anyone with information related to these crimes is encouraged to call University Police at 614-292-2121.

Please do not leave valuables unattended and remember to lock your doors and windows. Do not let unknown persons into residence halls and report suspicious behavior or missing property to police (safety tips). If your property is stolen, it is important to promptly report it to OSUPD. Every crime report helps police identify patterns, investigate while evidence is still available and adjust patrol schedules accordingly.

Victims are never at fault when crimes occur. We remind you to increase your overall safety by being cautious and looking out for one another; being aware of your surroundings and looking assertive; walking with a trusted friend or co-worker, when possible; if a situation makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, choose an alternative. Utilize transportation services, when possible, and take advantage of our additional safety resources, such as the Student Safety Service Safe Ride program: https://dps.osu.edu/safe-ride